1867 with the civil war amendments of 13,14, and 15 added to the constitution.
Russia first thought that Alaska, their territory was useless, so they sold Alaska to America. At first they did not think about buying it, but Russia decreases the price until it was very very cheap.
Wow! You have a fairly rare coin in your possession - a Silver 3 Cent piece, minted in the year of 1867, in fine condition (F12) is worth: $500.00.The US Treasury also minted in the year of 1867 a Copper-Nickel 3 Cent piece - if this is the coin you possess, its value in fine condition (F12) is: $25.00.
When did Nebraska become part of the territory of the US?
The U.S. mint did not issue a nickel with a buffalo on it in 1867.
#1: you spelled first wrong. #2: it was the Louisiana territory. Thomas Jefferson bought ti from the french.
The Wyoming Territory
Louisiana Territory was purchased in 1803. Florida Territory was purchased in 1821, California, New Mexico and Arizona Territory followed with the Mexican American War. Alaska in 1867.
Louisiana purchase
In 1867.
The United States bought the territory of Alaska from Russia in 1867. Russia wanted to sell: it needed money, it was concerned that it might lose the Alaska Territory in any event through war with Britain, and saw little value in Alaska's vast natural resources. U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward urged President Andrew Johnson to agree to the purchase, believing it would be a good investment. The purchase was ratified by the U.S. Senate and the U.S. gained 586,412 square miles of new territory at a price of $7.2 million.
1812: Territory of Louisiana reorganized into the Missouri Territory containing much of eastern and north western Wyoming.1850: Territory of Utah organized containing southwest and south central parts of Wyoming.1853: West central Wyoming becomes part of the Oregon Territory.1854: Missouri Territory reorganized and Nebraska Territory receives much of eastern and north western Wyoming.1859: Oregon admitted as a state and west central Wyoming is added to the Washington Territory.1861: Utah Territory reorganized and south west/south central Wyoming is added to the Nebraska Territory.1863: Washington Territory reorganized and west central Wyoming is added to the Idaho Territory. The Dakota and Nebraska Territories are reorganized and the north half of Wyoming is added to the Idaho Territory.1867: Nebraska admitted as a state and the south half of Wyoming is added to the Idaho Territory.1890: Wyoming admitted as a state.
figure it out yourself REAL ANSWER: 1867