His mother was Jane,a cook for the plantation.(slave) Sometimes to feed her childen, Jane would take a chicken or eggs from the master's flock and cook them during the night.
Booker T. Washington's mother was a African slave, and his father was a white planter. So he is white and black!
There are a lot of books written by Booker T Washington. One of his books' name is 'The Future of the American Negro'.
Booker T. Washington was a slave because he lived in the time frame in which African-Americans weren't treated as equals to the whites. He was born into slavery by his mother, Jane. His mother was an enslaved black woman who worked on the Bourrough's Plantation in southwest Virginia. Booker's siblings and mother was freeded of slavery after the Civil was, formally by the 13th Amendment.
Booker T. Washington
what was booker t washingtons interesting experiences
What wear the names of Booker T. Washington kids?
Booker T. Washington received his honorary degree at Harvard University.
Son: Booker T. Washington, Jr.Son: Ernest Davidson WashingtonDaughter: Portia Washington Pittman
Booker T. Washington's wife's name was Margaret James Murray Washington. She was an educator and an activist who played a significant role in the Tuskegee Institute alongside her husband.
when he was 16 he went to: Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute,
Michael Jackson
Booker t Washington was a very inspiring person in his life ,Booker helped him get admitted to a college and helped him in his discoveries.
Booker T's Real Name Is Booker Huffman