The outing system was an educational practice that assigned Native American children from boarding school to work for white employers as servants and laborers at sub-standard wages.
The civil service system is a system of hiring and promoting employees based upon the merit system. The merit system is the opposite of the spoils system.
the system was called the headright system.
The Pueblo Indians had no monetary system; instead they used the barter system for trading with other groups.
The plantation system was the division of the land into smaller parcels that were under private ownership. The plantation system started in Virginia.
brief summary on barter system
Outing - magazine - was created in 1882.
The Outing was created on 1993-02-11.
Outing Club was created in 1905.
Inside Outing happened in 1988.
The duration of Outing Riley is 1.65 hours.
The duration of Family Outing is -4800.0 seconds.
solicitation letter outing
Indianapolis Outing Club was created in 1902.
Outing Riley was created on 2004-10-10.
Mr. Gumpy's Outing was created in 1970.
Family Outing ended on 2010-02-14.
Family Outing was created on 2008-06-15.