The role of the Anasazi women was that they owned majority of the property and kept the kivas and such clean and cooked food for there family. But when an Anasazi women dies there property is passed down to the next female in this case there daughters
The changing role of women in 1920s America was embodied by the image of the "Flapper".
We have no evidence of what the ancient Anasazi language was like or what their words may have been.
Colonial women played an important role in the bycott.Groups of women called the Daughters of Liberty wove cloth and made other goods to replace imported British goods.
They disagreed about the role women should play in reform movements.
The Anasazi women did stuff like cooking and cleaning and gathering flour and stuff.
Archaeologists believe that Anasazi women spent many hours every day doing tasks essential to food preparation. This included grinding corn and other grains and preparing wild game.
the role of women was to take care of children.
what was the role of women in the kushite society
There was no role of women in French Revolution.
compare the role of women in the present to the ones in the past
The Anasazi.
the role of women in 1838 was to stay home and clean
the women had a great role in the french revolution for there rights
The triple role of women: reproductive, productive, and community.
The anasazi hunted animals
they called themselves Anasazi