The turning point was not a battle but a siege, the Siege of Vicksburg.
The Battle of Saratoga was part of the Revolutionary War. It was considered the turning point of the war.
You could argue that there were two major battles in the war. The battle of Vicksburg was the major turning point. The battle of New Orleans sealed the deal for the North.
The Battle of Gettysburg was viewed as the turning point for the civil war (the union started winning afterward).
I was looking around on this website when I found this question.The battle was a major turning point in the war.He was a surgeon, but lost his license to practice.
the battle of saratogo took place in 1777
The July Battle was the turning point of Gettysburg war?
No. The Battle of Midway was considered a turning point in the battle against the Japanese.
The turning point was not a battle but a siege, the Siege of Vicksburg.
benedict arnold was involed in the battle of saratogo
tHe Battle of Stalingrad was a major turning point in WW2. The Battle of Midway was another.
Gettysburg was considered to be the turning point.
The battle known as the turning point of the American Revolution was the Battle of Saratoga.
The turning point of this battle was when we broke the IJN code and knew they were going to attack Midway
It was the last battle.
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Midway