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The venona project was a secret collaboration of the U.S and the U.K intelligence agencies involving cryptanalis of messages sent by the intelligence agencies of the the Soviet Union, mostly during World War II.

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Q: What was the venona project?
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What did the Venona project prove?

Before its termination in the 1980's the Venona project proved many things. It proved that Guy Burgess was a double agent and so on.

What is project venona?

Project Verona was an U.S counter intelligence effort to try to decrypt Soviet messages. The project lasted from 1943 until 1980.

The purpose of project venona was to?

it cracked the soviet spy codes and provided strong evidence that the Rosenbergs were guilty

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What is the connecting between the Venona papers and the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?

The papers confirmed that Julius Rosenberg was a spy.

What is the connection between the Venona Papers and the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?

The papers confirmed that Julius Rosenberg was a spy.

In what way did the Venona papers justify some of the Hysteria of the Red scare?

The Venona papers provided evidence of Soviet espionage in the United States during the Cold War, leading to the discovery and exposure of several high-profile spies. This revelation justified some of the hysteria of the Red Scare by confirming fears of communist infiltration and espionage within the American government and society.

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Herbert Romerstein has written: 'Communism and your child' -- subject(s): Communism, Youth movements 'The Venona secrets' 'The KGB against the \\'

Was Alger hiss being accused of espionage not a result of the anticommunist crusade in the US after World War 2?

No he was mentioned in Venona decrypted Russian intelligence NKVD messages

What information did President Roosevelt relate on the VENONA intercepts to Vice-President Truman when he took the office?

President Roosevelt related decrypted Soviet information on the Verona intercepts to Vice-President Truman when he took office.

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