A ship captain by trade, William Ladd spoke and wrote against war in response to the War of 1812. He founded the American Peace Society in 1828 to promote his ideals of pacifism.
In 1831, William Lloyd Garrison organized the New England Anti-Slavery Society. The society sponsored agents who traveled throughout the region speaking at churches and lecture halls speaking on behalf of the abolition of slavery.
The goal of the American Colonization Society was to relocate slaves and free Blacks to Africa, specifically, modern Liberia. Garrison's organization's goal was immediate abolition of slavery.
Grover Cleveland pg.603 of "The American People Creating A Nation & A Society Volume Two Since 1865
The first white abolitionist was William Lloyd Garrison. He is the founder of the American Anti Slavery Society and led the white abolitionist movement in the North.
William Penn was actually opposed to most commonly held religious beliefs in his youth but discovered that the beliefs of the "Society of Friends" resembled his own beliefs to the extent that he did join them. The Society of Friends is also known as the Quakers. Like many people in his day, he came to what is now the US to be free to practice his religion the way he saw fit. The Quakers have remained prevalent in many areas of Pennsylvania even to this day.
John Ladds was born in 1835.
John Ladds died in 1926.
Robert Ladds was born in 1941.
William Craft has written: 'Labyrinth of desire' -- subject(s): Criticism and interpretation, Desire in literature, History, Invention (Rhetoric), Literature and society
Graham McMaster has written: 'Scott and society' 'William Wordsworth' -- subject(s): Criticism and interpretation
William Sherwood has written: 'An essay on musical criticism' -- subject(s): Musical criticism
William O. Walker has written: 'Interpolations in the Pauline letters' -- subject(s): Bible, Criticism, Textual, Criticism, interpretation, Textual Criticism
William E. Cain has written: 'F.O. Matthiessen and the politics of criticism' -- subject(s): Criticism, Politics and literature, Theory, American literature, History and criticism, Criticism and interpretation, History
William H. Scheuerle has written: 'George Baxter, the first color printing from metal plates and wood blocks' -- subject(s): Art and society, Color prints, Criticism and interpretation, History
Henry William Watkins has written: 'Modern criticism considered in its relation to the Fourth Gospel' -- subject(s): Evidences, authority, Criticism, interpretation, Bible, History, Criticism, Authorship
William A. Cohen has written: 'How to Make it Big as a Consultant' 'Sex scandal' -- subject(s): History, Scandals, Literature and society, History and criticism, Scandals in literature, English fiction, Sex in literature, Homosexuality and literature
William Morris Society was created in 1955.