Led a successful revolt against Alexander Severus. Was the first person to rise through the military ranks to become emperor.
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The accomplishments of Mary Harris Jones include leading the great railroad strike of 1877 and fighting for employment opportunities.
Maximinus was born on November 20, 270.
Maximinus was born on November 20, 270.
Maximinus II was born in 270.
Maximinus Thrax was born in 173.
Alexander Severus was succeeded by Maximinus Thrax. Maximinus was the commander of a legion in Italy. The soldier were unhappy with the young Alexander's policy paying off the aggressive Alemanni (a Germanic people) to avoid war, killed him and elected Maximinus. He was proclaimed emperor by the praetorian guard (the imperial guard).
3 years, from 235 until 238.
Maximinus Thrax died in 238.
He is the patron saint of Trier and invoked as protection against perjury, loss at sea and destructive rains.
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