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Q: What were people who specializes in jobs and became skilled craft workers were known as?
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How did merchants and skilled workers benefit from roman prosperity?

The merchants would certainly benefit from the increased profit from trade and the skilled workers such as the craftsmen would benefit from the demand for their work. As the population became more wealthy and prosperous they were able to afford to hire people to make their mosaics, murals, jewelry, statuary, etc.The merchants would certainly benefit from the increased profit from trade and the skilled workers such as the craftsmen would benefit from the demand for their work. As the population became more wealthy and prosperous they were able to afford to hire people to make their mosaics, murals, jewelry, statuary, etc.The merchants would certainly benefit from the increased profit from trade and the skilled workers such as the craftsmen would benefit from the demand for their work. As the population became more wealthy and prosperous they were able to afford to hire people to make their mosaics, murals, jewelry, statuary, etc.The merchants would certainly benefit from the increased profit from trade and the skilled workers such as the craftsmen would benefit from the demand for their work. As the population became more wealthy and prosperous they were able to afford to hire people to make their mosaics, murals, jewelry, statuary, etc.The merchants would certainly benefit from the increased profit from trade and the skilled workers such as the craftsmen would benefit from the demand for their work. As the population became more wealthy and prosperous they were able to afford to hire people to make their mosaics, murals, jewelry, statuary, etc.The merchants would certainly benefit from the increased profit from trade and the skilled workers such as the craftsmen would benefit from the demand for their work. As the population became more wealthy and prosperous they were able to afford to hire people to make their mosaics, murals, jewelry, statuary, etc.The merchants would certainly benefit from the increased profit from trade and the skilled workers such as the craftsmen would benefit from the demand for their work. As the population became more wealthy and prosperous they were able to afford to hire people to make their mosaics, murals, jewelry, statuary, etc.The merchants would certainly benefit from the increased profit from trade and the skilled workers such as the craftsmen would benefit from the demand for their work. As the population became more wealthy and prosperous they were able to afford to hire people to make their mosaics, murals, jewelry, statuary, etc.The merchants would certainly benefit from the increased profit from trade and the skilled workers such as the craftsmen would benefit from the demand for their work. As the population became more wealthy and prosperous they were able to afford to hire people to make their mosaics, murals, jewelry, statuary, etc.

Which immigrants from which country were most often skilled workers or educated people such as writers and politicians and arrived with some money?

Immigrants from Germany usually arrived with some money and were most often skilled workers or educated people, such as writers and politicians.

Who were the native who became skilled at riding horses?

The people of the plains (this is 100% correct)

Who were the winners and losers of the gilded age?

The winners were Capitalists and educated and skilled people. The losers were skilled yet uneducated workers.

Who are the skilled workers?

For most people, the skilled workers are those who immigrate to Canada who meet the required points totals as asked by Canadian immigration authorities. These are based on education, age, language proficiency and the type of employment they intend to seek in Canada.

Who were skilled workers in ancient Egypt?

They were people who were gold smiths, carpenters, painters, wood workers, wigmakers, musical instrument makers ect.

Immigrants from which country were most often skilled workers or educated people such as writers and politicians and arrived with some money?


What things make a country an important manufacturing center?

transportation network skilled workforce (engineers which design the products, not the people who pack/assemble them) manual skilled workers (for building parts in factories)

During the new stone age people became what?

lol im 5 they became miners and metal workers

What was Mahatma Gandhi's caste?

He was beri Vaishya caste- these were business people, skilled workers, traders, merchants, etc...(beri vyshya)

What groups of people did the American Federation of Labors cater to?

When the American Federation of Labor was formed, the leader, Samuel Gompers, believed that only skilled craftsmen could effectively force employers to negotiate with workers. Gompers decided that the AFL would admit only skilled workers, because they were harder to replace during a strike, than unskilled workers.

What are the five preference levels for immigration in to the US?

I don't know all of them, but I think some are unmarried children of people in the U.S., skilled workers, and lottery.