The Native Americans were subjected to many foreign diseases and were also forced out of their native land. Their population also decreased due to European enslavement. British settlers purchased and captured Native Americans to use as forced labour in making tobacco, rice and indigo.
The Native Americans came into contact with many foreign diseases and were also forced out of their native land. When Europeans settled on the east coast, the Native Americans were eventually pushed westward. The Trail of Tears also occured. This was the relocation and movement of Native Americans in the US from their homelands to Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma) in the Western United States. Many Native Americans suffered from exposure, disease, and starvation while en route to their destinations, and many died, including, for example, 4,000 of the 15,000 relocated Cherokee. The Native Americans were also made to be culturized, which means they had to adopt the European ways. They were forced to convert languages, religions, and to attend schools set up by Europeans. Overall, they were just treated very badly and forced out of their native land and ways.
Europeans saw the lands in the Americas as free for the taking. The Native Americans had a totally different view of land ownership than Europeans, which worked to their serious disadvantage.
Arrival of the Europeans.
The Europeans gained control over the Native Americans by taking their land and their important riches.
Christopher Columbus took over south America and the Caribbean and claimed that he discovered the "East". He killed millions of native Americans and Spain colonized south America and most up through Mexico and into present day America. killing everything as they went. doosheExplorers from Europe began coming to the Americas.
The Europeans started to use the Native Americans as slaves.
The arrival of the Europeans did not affect the native americans in Mexico.
Many native Americans succumbed to the diseases brought over by the Europeans, as they had no immunity.
Native Americans
The Europeans profited because of their arrival, and got very rich. On the other hand, the Native Americans decreased in population, became very poor and nearly got wiped out.
the native Americans
The arrival of the Europeans.
the native Americans brought germs and diseases to the europeans
Aztecs, Mayas, and Inca
They didn't. Most Native Americans didn't have writing systems prior to the arrival of the Europeans.
death to many native Americans and arrival of Europeans
What do Native Americans and Europeans have in common
The arrival of the Europeans into the Americas was the start of the loss of land, life, and lifestyle for the Native Americans.