Before 1750, Workers worked in their homes and they were able to start and stop work whenever they wanted but then it all changed when people started to work in factories, Not only men but women and worked in factories under hot, Damp, Dirty, Dangerous conditions for long hours, for a pay of almost nothing. Normal shifts were 12-14 hours a day. Workers were often required to clean their machine during mealtime and employers sometimes used to change the clock time so they can get a few minutes extra out of their workers.
The weekly wage for a mean during the time was 15 shillings (15p), but women and children were paid much lower wages, with women earning 7 shillings (35p) and children 3 shillings (15p), for this reason employers preferred to employ women and children so they can be paid less.
Cotton threads had to be spun at less than 70ºF, The air was full of dust which led to many cases of Chest and
Lung diseases and loud noises made by the machines damaged workers hearing. Some employers even paid their workers in tokens which were to be used in the employer's shop in which the price of an item was expensive. Fines were imposed for things like talking or whistling or even leaving the room without permission or having a little dirt on the machines, it was claimed that employers would alter the clock to make their workers late so they could fine them.
Forcing children to crawl into dangerous and unguarded machines, often when they were so tired that they would fall asleep on their feet which led to many accidents. Women and children were easily bullied. One witness claimed that he had seen an iron bar driven straight though the cheek of a girl, other punishment including hanging weights hanging them from the roof in baskets, nailing a children's ear to the table, and drowning them in cold water to keep them awake.
The conditions were dusty dirty and dangerous. They were very unhygenic and deseases were easily passed through people working close together all crammed up!
In the 1900s houses looked like they were old and they were either made of wood or brick. The houses had a small bit of room but in the attic and the basement it was big.
Some diapers in the 1900s were said to be made out of burlap sacks. Most were cloth, usually cotton or linen
No I can not answer this question
The life for children on Indian reservations in Arizona is not an easy one. The children on reservations have less time to play because they spend time working on the family ranches. Food is usually grown at home to make up for the rough economical conditions.
The working condition in the 1900s were poor. Safety was not a concern, like it is today, and resulted in work-related deaths. The hours were long, the pay was low, and the conditions were harsh.
Working conditions in the 1900s would have been hard labor for little pay in the early years. As the century went on, jobs were created that paid better and were easier to do for men and women.
The working conditions of Lowell mills were very poor.
you can do what you like to do
very bad like a piecer
Working conditions in 1895 were poor to sub-optimal for people. People worked long hours and were forced to work in unsafe conditions.
the working conditions there are like super awesome if you are interested in working there you will love it, it is an awesome experience. everybody there is so welcoming you are just like one big family and they are so understanding and they will work with you. they will do the best they can to work with you and your schedule.
Poor condition with long working hours