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I think that we are going to die in the next 50 years. There are many reasons why. 1.Right now in 2009 we are running out of oil. Since this is happening, the gas prices are going up.So we can run out of money and starve to death or die of thirst. This will result in violence, hatrid, and greed. Animals will die, the earth will die, and all life on it. 2.We could be blown up by nuclear wepons. We want Isralies to take out all of Iran's neclear missles. Though Iran is stupid so they can shoot off a nuclear bomb any second of any day. But if that happens then all of the earth is doomed. 3. Natural disasters can happen. Here are some: a. Global warming- I. The water level can get to high and we drown b. Yellow stones volcano- I- We can suffer from a off the charts volcano. A super explosion [better than the explosion of hiroshoma's atomic bomb] will cause the sun to be blocked out for years. Plant life will die. Then goes the animals and of course it always ends with the humans. This is what I think can happen.

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In the next 50 years, society will probably depend more heavily on technology

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