Today the 12th of February 2009 is Abraham Lincoln 200th birthday. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States of America.
Yes they are they are preserved today in the Lincoln Tomb in Springfield, Illinois
Abraham Lincoln did not like any kind of games. He was little bit interested in painting. He always wanted to go to school as he was very much interested in studies.
He helped free us from enslavement.
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
Today the 12th of February 2009 is Abraham Lincoln 200th birthday. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States of America.
Lincoln's dead!! Get over it!
It is probably safe to assume that if Abraham Lincoln had not become president, that we would not still have slaves today. Another president would have likely done the same.
Obviously Abraham Lincoln
He was 16th president .
he had melancholia...which today we call "depression"
Abraham Lincoln
Yes Abraham Lincoln was indeed melancholy according to many that knew him. Today we would label that depression.
Lincoln would have turned 206 in 2015, which is well beyond the lifespan of anyone.
well, in my opinion, it would be Abraham Lincoln!
Yes they are they are preserved today in the Lincoln Tomb in Springfield, Illinois
He served in the House of Representatives as a Whig and as President as a Republican. Today the GOP would call him a RINO.