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Abraham Lincoln was a good man so he would probaby lower gas cost and not higher the tax on food. He would be very honest and never tell a lie. He was a good person.

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Q: What would Abraham Lincoln do today?
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Lincoln's dead!! Get over it!

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It is probably safe to assume that if Abraham Lincoln had not become president, that we would not still have slaves today. Another president would have likely done the same.

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How is Abraham Lincoln still important today?

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Was Abraham Lincoln melancholy?

Yes Abraham Lincoln was indeed melancholy according to many that knew him. Today we would label that depression.

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Lincoln would have turned 206 in 2015, which is well beyond the lifespan of anyone.

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well, in my opinion, it would be Abraham Lincoln!

Are Abraham Lincoln's bones preserved?

Yes they are they are preserved today in the Lincoln Tomb in Springfield, Illinois

Was Abraham Lincoln demoracat?

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