Chief Massasoit was the name given for the local native American chief.
The Blackfoot's last hereditary leader wasMountain Chief (Ninastoko), 1848-1942
His real name was Hin-mah-too-yah-laht-ket. Which means "Thunder Rolling in the Mountains."
The Indian chief who helped John smith was Powhatan
It was not until March 16/26, some three months after the Pilgrims arrived, that a tall Indian walked boldly into the plantation crying out, "Welcome! Welcome, Englishmen!" The Pilgrims were startled when the Indian named Samoset introduced himself to the Pilgrims in English. Samoset, an Abnaki Indian from Maine, had been kidnapped by explorers and taken to England
The Native American Chief's name was "Wahunsonacock" or "Chief Powhatan".
No. It should be native America n chief.
Chief Massasoit was the name given for the local native American chief.
Great Native American Chief
Chief Sitting Bull was Chief of the Hunk-Papa Souix.
The Iroquois were a Native American tribe there chief was Donnacona
I have one by Stone that is of a Native American Chief.
Joseph Brant was the Native American chief that served as a British army officer during the Revolutionary War.
Chief Howling Wind, known for the controversy surrounding who actually discovered America, was Native American. While there are no pictures to show what Chief Howling Wind actually looked like, he is often portrayed as a tall Native American with long dark hair and traditional Native American clothes.