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january 29,1861

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January 29, 1861

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Q: What year did Kansas become part of the Union?
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What year did Maryland become part of the union?

April 28, 1788

What year was Kansas admitted to the union?


What year was Kansas admitted into the uniou?

Kansas was admitted into the Union on January 29, 1861 becoming the 34th state to join the Union.

What year did England become part of the UK?

The Union of the Parliaments of England and Scotland happened in 1707.

What year did Nigeria become a member of EU?

Nigeria is not part of the EU.Nigeria is a West- African country part of the African Union and ECOWAS

What year did South Carolina become part of the US?

Admission to the Union: May 23, 1788 (8th)

When was Kansas City born?

Kansas City traces its beginnings to 1821, the year Missouri was admitted to the Union.

What year was KS admitted to the union?

Kansas was admitted into the Union on January 29, 1861 becoming the 34th state to join the Union.

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What year did they become a part of the US?

and what year they i become a part of the us