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Sarah E Goode was born sometime in 1855. She died on April 8, 1905. At the time of her death, she was 49 or 50 years old.

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Q: What year did Sarah goode died?
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When did Sarah s goode die?

sarah s. goode died in 1876

When did Sarah Goode die?

im not sure but i think it was on January 25 of 1909

What is Sarah E goode's hole name?

Sarah Elisabeth Goode.

How old was Sarah goode when she died?

Sarah E Goode was born sometime in 1855. She died on April 8, 1905. At the time of her death, she was 49 or 50 years old.

What year did Sarah E Goode invent the cabinet bed?


Does Sarah goode have children?

Sarah s goode does not have children .look it up

When is Sarah e goode birthday?

Sarah E. Goode's exact birth date is unknown. It is known that she was born in the year 1855 in Toledo, Ohio.

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i need help for my project/timeline on sarah goode help please

Who was Sarah e goode husband?

She was famous for inventing a folding cabinet bed complete with drawers ffor supplies. You might know it as the "hideway bed."

Where did Sarah evans goode do her work?

Sarah E. Goode did her work in Chicago Illinois where she was the owner of a furniture store.

What was Sarah e goode sister's names?

i need help for my project/timeline on sarah goode help please

What is Sarah E Goode's later education?

No one knows about Sarah E. Goodes education or how she died.