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Contained the names of people who were involved in the spread and promotion of communism

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Q: When Joesph McCarthy appeared before television cameras with loose sheets of paper which he could wave at the camera and claim they contained the names of what?
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Was there cameras in the Revolutionary War?


How does hawkeye work in tennis?

Hawk-Eye is a state-of-the art processing technology to accurately identify the center of a tennis ball in five cameras positioned around the court. Combining the information from each of these cameras together, we are able to work out the accurate three-dimensional trajectory of the ball throughout the rally and thereby accurately work out the position where the ball bounces to within three millimeters.

Why did the US stop making coins out of silver?

It was a matter of supply and demand. When the US first started minting coins in the 1790s the government controlled both access to silver and its price. Coins were required to contain their face value in metal, minus a tiny amount to cover the cost of minting. They were minted from an alloy containing 90% silver with 10% copper added for hardness. The Treasury was able to control silver until the early 1960s when industrial demand for the metal in electronics and photography (no digital cameras back then) started to outstrip supply. The government was forced to deregulate the price and relinquish control of the supply. As a result, the price increased quickly and was further inflated by speculation. At one point silver sold for as much as $50 per ounce, or close to $500 at today's rates. Because the silver in coins had been priced at $1.29/oz, the run-up meant that it was possible to go to a bank, buy (for example) $100 worth of half-dollars at face value and immediately sell them to a metal dealer for a couple of thousand dollars. The government clearly couldn't afford to "sell" silver in the form of coins for 1/20 or 1/30 of what it was worth on the open market, so by the end of 1964 the decision was made to start making dimes and quarters out of much cheaper copper-nickel. Unfortunately there were people in the government who felt strongly that some form of silver coinage should be maintained as a show of "stability", so the Mint continued to make half-dollars out of silver albeit using debased 40% metal instead of 90%. Even these coins were worth more than face value so they too disappeared into melting pots, effectively eliminating the half dollar as a circulating coin. When the Mint finally decided to make halves out of copper-nickel, the coin was almost never seen in change and it's stayed that way ever since.

Why did the people crash into the twin towers?

The Twin Towers attack was done in order to make a bold statement against the American people, not to go to war with Al Qaeda. It was an vindictive plot to stroke fear into the American government and its people.

What are some exciting things that happened in 1988?

One important thing that happened in 1979 was that President Carter proposed Martin Luther King's birthday be a holiday. Another important thing that happened was that China withdrew invasion troops from Vietnam.

Related questions

Can you use cameras on the moon?

Yes, a google search will give you ample pictures taken on the moon with both still cameras and television cameras.

Which cameras are used for live TV broadcast cricket matches?

Mobile, Outside Broadcast TV cameras, The sames as those used for any outside sport.

How many cameras used in filming a movie?

in action movies usually 3-4 sometimes 5 cameras, in the case of a tv show or a small movie directors use 2-3 cameras

How many tv cameras were on the eagle when it landed on the moon?


What is a CCTV camera and how does it compare to other camera types?

CCTV stands for Closed-circuit television and CCTV cameras are mainly used for security surveillance. CCTV cameras can be either video cameras or digital still cameras. The video cameras are usually used for video surveillance of houses or business places. The digital still cameras are used for traffic surveillance.

What has the author Gerald P McGinty written?

Gerald P. McGinty has written: 'Video cameras' -- subject(s): Television cameras, Maintenance and repair

How many TV cameras used at a NBA Playoff Game?


How can you do view the CCTV Wireless cameras from my computer?

Can't. This isn't TV.

Who was the first president to bring television cameras into the white house?


Where can I buy cameras and televisions?

You can find digital cameras for sale at Sams Club. However, your selection will vary depending on what the one you visit currently has in stock. They do not have any touch screen tvs listed on their website.

When was vediotape's first used?

Video cameras and tape first came out in 1951. They captured images from TV cameras by converting the information into electric impulses and saving it on tape.

What is something a store uses to catch shoplifters?

Closed circuit televisions and cameras.