Question not answered! Who founded WIC? The Black Panther Party as the Stanford study says or is it a gov. program started by the gov?
Actually NO. WIC was founded by Jim Thorton & Rodney Leonard and based off of a program in Baltimore MD by Dr. David Page and another similar program in Tennessee. While it definitely seems possible, it's incorrect. The Black Panthers DID have multiple amazing programs, but unfortunately, WIC was not one of them. Whoever made the pic that started this claim was either misinformed, or simply thought it would make people care more about the government shutdown of the WIC program if they thought the Black Panther's created it. The WIC program is listed on the Stanford website under "Black Panter Community Programs" because TBP participated in the program and helped get women and children who needed it on the program. There are about 65 programs listed, some were TBP programs, others were other community programs that TBP participated in or supported.
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When was the independent party started? When was the independent party started?
The Bracero Program .
it started in 1922
Probably not The WIC program is for pregnant Women (or recently delivered), Infants and Children under 5.
The WIC program stands for Women, Infants and Children which is the group that benefits from it. It is federally funded to provide infant formula, food and nutrition education for low-income families.
No, in fact it is expanding...
Actually NO. WIC was founded by Jim Thorton & Rodney Leonard and based off of a program in Baltimore MD by Dr. David Page and another similar program in Tennessee. While it definitely seems possible, it's incorrect. The Black Panthers DID have multiple amazing programs, but unfortunately, WIC was not one of them. Whoever made the pic that started this claim was either misinformed, or simply thought it would make people care more about the government shutdown of the WIC program if they thought the Black Panther's created it. The WIC program is listed on the Stanford website under "Black Panter Community Programs" because TBP participated in the program and helped get women and children who needed it on the program. There are about 65 programs listed, some were TBP programs, others were other community programs that TBP participated in or supported.
No, in fact it is expanding...
WIC stands for Women Infants and Children. It's part of a federal assistance program to help mothers supply food for their children and learn about breast feeding and provide coupons to supplement their income so they have enough food to eat.
If you are just visiting, no. There are residential requirements you must meet to prove you are a resident of the state where WIC services (benefits) are being provided. If you move to North Carolina and visit a local WIC clinic, they will likely perform an "out of state transfer" to request your WIC records from Florida. Typically, you can receive WIC benefits in your new state within a day or two of the transfer request. These safeguards are in place to ensure a WIC participant is not cheating the system by engaging in "dual participation" -- basically receiving double benefits from the program.
The WIC program is for pregnant Women (or recently delivered), Infants and Children under 5. This program provides the following according to age: Milk either formula or regular milk, peanut butter, dry beans or peas, cereal, juice, eggs, & cheese. This program is run through the local health department and is meant to make sure these nutritional things are available for Americas little ones.
No I called.
Women, Infants, and Children. It's a program that gives food to young mothers and their children, or provides means for them to buy it cheaper.
It depends on the state/county where the WIC participant resides. You would have to contact your local WIC office to find out the specific details.