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Q: When did Abraham Lincoln become a storekeeper?
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Related questions

What was Abraham Lincoln's jods?

he had a jod as a storekeeper post master and a surveyor

What were jobs Abraham Lincoln had?

a railsplitter, flatboatman, storekeeper, postmaster, and laywer

When Abraham Lincoln become president?

Abraham Lincoln become president in March 1861.

When did Abraham Lincoln become our president?

Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated on March 4, 1847.

When did Abraham Lincoln become senator of illoinos?

Abraham Lincoln became Senator of Illiinois in 1846.

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How do you think of questions about a topic?

The most common questions are who, what, when, where, why, and how.So, if you are thinking of questions about Abraham Lincoln, you can start out with the basics.Who was Abraham Lincoln?What did Abraham Lincoln do?When did Abraham Lincoln live?Why did Abraham Lincoln become president?How did Abraham Lincoln accomplish his goals?Once you look at those questions, you can think of questions with more details or variations.

What president was a storekeeper?

Abe Lincoln

How did Abraham Lincoln become president of the US?

yes he did

Why did Abraham Lincoln become a president?

because he is awsome!

Who was the first Republican to become president?

Abraham Lincoln