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Q: When did Europeans first become exposed to rockets?
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Related questions

Who invented the very first rockets?

The Chinese invented gunpowder and used it to power rockets hundreds of years ago. Then Marco Polo, from Europe, visited China, and told his fellow Europeans about the Chinese, their use of gunpowder and rockets. Then Europeans further developed gunpowder and rockets.The Chinese.

How can you become exposed chemicals?

In order for a chemical to become hazardous to a person's health, it must first not drink, eat, or smoke in areas where they may be exposed to toxic chemicals.

Rockets first use was for?

The first rockets were firework's built by the Chinese

When did first Europeans come to Manhattan?

The first Europeans to live in, what was to become, New York City were the Dutch.

Where were rockets first discovered?

rockets were discovered by a smart person janetxoxo

Many Europeans first become interested in the distant lands of the East by reading Travels by?

Marco Polo

Why were the first rockets built?

The first gunpowder-powered rockets were developed in Song China, by the 13th century.

Where was the rockets invented?

The first rockets were invented in China in the 9th and 13th centuries (A.D).

When did the first Europeans arrive in America?

the first Europeans came in 1497

Who were the first to build rockets?


Who first used rockets?


Where were rockets first used?
