Linda Brown never died. She was born in February 20, 1942 in Topeka Kansas and was involved in the Civil Rights Movement to fight for equal rights between African Americans and Caucasians and other minorities. She still fight for causes such as these to this day, still living. So, she is alive and well.
Linda Brown Thompson lives in Topeka, Kansas, where she and her younger sister, Cheryl Brown Henderson, co-own Brown and Associates, an educational consulting firm.
linda brown was born on janurary , 15 , 1820
The actual cause and time of death of Henry Box Brown is unknown
joe cinque and linda cinque
Linda Gail Breese.
linda brown did not die.
Linda Brown never died she still lives in Topeka and is 64yrs old now
Linda Brown (Thompson) was born February 20, 1942, and is still alive at the age of 68 (March 2010).
Linda brown lives in topeka
Linda Brown (Thompson)'s parents were Oliver and Leola Brown.
Linda brown grew up in Kansas Topeka
yes she was her husbands name is Jacob brown
Linda Brown's father was Oliver Brown and her mother was Leola Brown. They were the named plaintiffs in the landmark civil rights case Brown v. Board of Education.
mac brown
Linda Thompson Brown Was Married Once And Her Husband Died. Then she remarried.
64 is linda brown alive and if she is alive in the year of 2012 then how old is she
Linda Brown Thompson lives in Topeka, Kansas, where she and her younger sister, Cheryl Brown Henderson, co-own Brown and Associates, an educational consulting firm.