The trail that was caused by the Indian removal act was the Trail of Tears.
The final phase of the Indian removal plan was the removal of the Cherokees. The Indian Removal Act was a law passed by Congress during Andrew Jackson presidency on May 28, 1830.
Indian removal act
Indian Removal Act
Native amercians were to be moved west of the missippi river
Indian Removal Act
Good question!
The law (The Indian Removal Act) was passed on May 26th 1830, the first actions were taken in September of 1830. If you mean "Indian Removal" in general, then that would be October 12th 1492.
justification for the indian removal act
The trail that was caused by the Indian removal act was the Trail of Tears.
The Indian Removal Act
John Marshall said he wanted to enforce the Indian Removal act
The northern industrialists generally frowned upon the Indian Removal Act.
The purpose of the Indian Removal Act was to take the Indians to the land west of the Mississippi River.
Andrew Jackson was the first U.S. President to implement removal with the passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
The Indian Removal Act
When Jackson found out there was gold, he immediatly called for the Indian removal act