

When did the spoils system begin?

Updated: 8/18/2023
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the spoils system began in 1828

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Q: When did the spoils system begin?
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What is the practice of appointing supporters to political jobs known as?

The spoils system.

What is is called when the group that wins an election appoints its own unqualified people to the best jobs?

Spoils system

What was the practicing of replacing government workers with friends and supporters called?

The spoils system....

Why did reformers want to end the spoils system?

Reformers wanted to end the spoils system because people were receiving high salaries but doing no work in many cases.

How do you use spoils system in a sentence?

The thieves shared the spoils from the town.

The spoils system evolved as a way to?

The spoils system evolved as way to get the most money from government projects. Those who won the contracts felt as if they deserved the "spoils".

What is the spoil system in government?

what is the spoils system

What was the practice of rewarding government jobs to faithful party members?

This question refers to the spoils system (as opposed to a competitive merit based promotions and appointments). The spoils system is used synonymously with the concepts of corruption and the party machine politics.

Why did reformers oppose the spoils system?

Reformers opposed the spoils system because it was inefficient and unfair.

Pros and cons of the spoils system?

spoils system stunk and didnt help at all to increase voting percentages