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Clatonia Joaquin Dorticus was a great Grandfather , we're not real sure when he died. In early 1900's he moved to NYC , allegedly to work on an automobile or invention related to cars. The spelling on his last name somehow changed from COS (he was from Cuba) to CUS, his distant cousin was Oswaldo Dorticos - President of Cuba under Castro (oops). Both his Daughters married Irishman, so although he was a Cuban-American inventor, they all look white, although some say they are pretty olive skinned.

He was the town photographer in Newton NJ and the local historical society has a good bit of info on him.

It is a common mistake to think Clatonia is a woman's name, but hes really a man. I've seen many College Professors list him as such.


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She was a he. And he died in 1903.

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