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Q: When was Edmund andros overthrown?
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Was Edmund Andros's autocratic Dominion of New England overthrown in connection with the Glorious Revolution in England?

Yes. After news of the revolution reached Boston, militia and others arrested Andros and other officials.

Who was the Royal Governor of New England when the Dominion of New England was formed?

Edmund Andros

When did Edmund Andros die?

Edmund Andros died on 1714-02-24.

When was Edmund Andros born?

Edmund Andros was born on 1637-12-06.

What is Sir Edmund Andros's birthday?

Sir Edmund Andros was born on December 6, 1637.

When was Sir Edmund Andros born?

Sir Edmund Andros was born on December 6, 1637.

Who was Sir Edmund andros was the governor of?

Sir Edmund Andros was the governor of i think England or London. One of those.

When did Sir Edmund Andros die?

Sir Edmund Andros died on February 24, 1714 at the age of 76.

How old was Sir Edmund Andros at death?

Sir Edmund Andros died on February 24, 1714 at the age of 76.

Who is Sir Edmond Andros?

Sir Edmund Andros was an English colonial administrator who served as Governor of the Dominion of New England in the late 17th century. He is known for his controversial policies, including imposing unpopular taxes and restricting town meetings, which incited rebellion among the colonists. Andros was overthrown during the Boston Revolt of 1689 and subsequently imprisoned.

Did Edmund andros lose rights?


Was Edmund andros a puritan?

Yes he was