Sarah's real name is not Jenny Burton her real name will be revealed in season 3 episode 08 Chuck vs The Real Name: Her real name is Sam!
her real name was france pikkle.
Sojourner Truth was born as Isabella Baumfree. She took the name Sojourner Truth after a spiritual awakening in 1843 that led her to become a Methodist.
He was born Malcolm Little, but had his name legally changed to Malcolm XMalcolm Little
Sarah indeed was Madam C.J Walker's real name. Her actual name was Sarah Breedlove.
Xochielt Sanchez is her real name she was born November 1985
Lyrics Born is the stage name of a Japanese Italian Jewish American rapper and producer. He previously went by the name Asia Born, and his real name is Tom Shimura.
Gatsbys real name is Jay Gatz and he is from North Dakota
Will Ferrell's real name is Will Ferrell. He was born John William Ferrell.
Dagmar Midcap is her real name. She was born Dagmar Gottschalk.
Selena's real name is Selena Marie Gomez born in 1992
Will Ferrell's real name is Will Ferrell. He was born John William Ferrell.
Swimmingbird's real name is John Smith (born in January 18, 1988).
His real name is Chresanto August (born July 23, 1997).
Although he was born in California, Schramm's real first name was Texas.
Luscious Lopez was born on September 11, 1981.
I don't know his DOB, but his real name is Sterrling Night.