she was born March 7, 1756. Do not know where. She died in 1853. Could not find any additional information.
She couldnt have died in 1853 because she invented the hairbrush in 1898.
I think Ralp bunche did not die from any o disease.
O. Henry yes but this is better: Born William Sidney Porter, this master of short stories is much better known under his pen name "O. Henry." He was born September 11, 1862 in North Carolina, where he spent his childhood. His only formal education was received at the school of his Aunt Lina, where he developed a lifelong love of books. In his uncle's pharmacy, he became a licensed pharmacist and was also known for his sketches and cartoons of the townspeople of Greensboro.
The U.S. has never used a Q mint mark. You're probably looking at an O with some slight damage or die breakage. There's more information at the Related Question below.
I have no Idea... :O
There is none that starts with an O, but the Lincoln memorial fits that description
Lydia O. Newman is a person as a women who invented a hairbrush. She was born March 7, 1756.
new york newyork
she died in 1853
Lydia O. Newman Invented The Hair-Brush.
Lydia o newman invented the hair brush because she probably wanted to easy take care of her hair.
Lydia O. Newman was from New York City, NY. Lydia is accredited for the patent for the first hairbrush for women. The patent number for her hairbrush is 614,335.
she died in 1853'
she used old material
on Novemeber 15, 18--
it was invented by an African women named Lydia o newman