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the year was 1877

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Q: When was the compromise that ended reconstruction?
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Which agreement ended Reconstruction in the South?

Compromise of 1877

How the election of 1876 affect reconstruction?

The controversy over the election drove a compromise that ended reconstruction.

How did the election 1876 affect Reconstruction?

The controversy over the election drove a compromise that ended reconstruction.

How did the election of the 1876 affect Reconstruction?

The controversy over the election drove a compromise that ended reconstruction.

What ended reconstruction in the south the dawes act the comprmise of 1850 the compromise of 1877 or the election of Ulysses s grant?

Compromise of 1877 officially ended Reconstruction and confirmed the election of Rutherford B. Hayes as president.

What is the Historic significance of the Compromise of 1877?

It ended reconstruction and made Hayes president.

When was reconstruction?

1865 to 1877 or right after the civil war ended until the compromise of 1877.

What was the significance of presidential election of 1876?

It ended Reconstruction because it led to the Compromise of 1877.

What event signaled the end of Reconstruction in 1877?

The Compromise of 1877 was the event that ended Reconstruction. The compromise did more than just end Reconstruction, it also settled the 1876 Presidential election dispute and removed federal troops from the South.

The Presidents Compromise?

The Compromise of 1877 refers to the unwritten and informal deal that ended the Reconstruction Era. The unwritten deal is what settled the 1876 United States disputed presidential elections.

Was reconstruction success or fail?

Reconstruction ended with the Compromise of 1877, it was a failure for the most part.

How did the compromise of 1877 end reconstruction?

Republican Rutherford B. Hayes was elected President in return for withdrawing federal troops from the South.