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Tha majority of Enclosure Acts were passed between 1750 and 1860.

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Q: When were the majority of the enclosure acts passed?
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In what year did the Enclosures Act take place in Great Britain?

The Inclosure (or Enclosure) Acts were a series of acts that were passed on several different occasions. The majority of these acts were passed between 1750 and 1860. The most renowned of these acts was passed in 1773.

Did the enclosure acts apply in Scotland?

Yes the enclosure acts applied to Scotland and the entire United Kingdom. The enclosure acts occurred between 1604 and 1914.

When were the Navigation Acts passed?

the navigation acts were passed in 1660.

Who passed the townshend acts?

the British parliament passed the townshend acts

What are the Enclosure of the Commons?

The Inclosure Acts (or "Enclosure Acts" in modern spelling) were a series of United Kingdom Acts of Parliament which enclosed open fields and common land in the country, creating legal property rights to land that was previously considered common. Between 1604 and 1914, over 5,200 individual Enclosure Acts were put into place, enclosing 6.8 million acres of land (almost 11,000 square miles).

Who passed alien acts?

The alien and sedition act was passed while John Adams was president. All acts that as passed are passed by Congress.

When where The Intolerable Acts passed list their four parts?

The Intolerable Acts were passed in 1774.

What is tyranny townshend acts?

The Townshend Acts were a series of taxes that were passed by England on its American colonies. The Townshend Acts were passed in 1767.

Who passed the intorable acts and why were they passed?

The British passed the intolerable acts so that they could get Americans to pay off their war debt.

When was the Townsend acts?

the townsend acts was passed in 1767

When we're the intolerable act passed?

In 1774 the Intolerable Acts were passed, by the British Parliament.

The Intolerable Acts were passed to increase trade.?

The Intolerable Acts were not necessarily passed to increase trade, though that could have been a byproduct. The acts were passed to limit British authority on colonist trade.