There is one in Milan Ohio it is off the beaten path and well over grown with trees and weeds but you can still make out out the mounds.
It is the Hopewell.
An Indian Burial Mound is A section of land that Indians dedicated to the lost of others, particularly Chiefs.
That would be Cahokia Mounds in Illinois.
Indian burial grounds
It is belived that Indian burial grounds are more dangerous than normal ghosts. the things that heppen on Indian burial grounds are described as similar to demonic
mounds bar
Arguably the state of Ohio has the most authenticated burial mounds.
Indian Burial Grounds are believed to be places where native Americans buried their dead. However, what makes them interesting is that they get a lot of blame for supernatural happenings, such as ghost hauntings. Some very superstitious people believe that some burial grounds had the power to bring people back to life f they were buried there. A good example of the is Stephen King's "Pet Sematary" (and yes, it is intentionally misspelled). I hope this has helped a little :)
I can't imagine any company naming a candy bar after an Indian burial ground, but if I had to guess, it would be Peter Paul Mounds Candy Bar.
It's a flower that grows on the burial grounds, I don't know why it was used.
in eygepts burial grounds
From what is now the galleria Tyler mall to la sierra blvd. all that was an Indian burial groundthat is why so many people seen a Indian lady in a white dress at night in castle park.Half of riverside is haunted because of the Indian burial grounds.* There are no Indian burial gounds in riverside..lolIf you want to know about riverside history and crazy stories i heard about houses under the graves of Indians at
Francisco Pizarro's grave is in Clermont burial grounds
which Indian group made the state of Ohio there home which Indian group made the state of Ohio there home