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Q: Where did Gaspar de Portola explore?
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Where was Gaspar de Portola buried?

Gaspar De Portola was born in Disneyland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is Gaspar de portola famous?

Gaspar De Portola was famous for discovering something with father Junipero Serra

What did Gaspar de Portola find?


When was Gaspar de Portolá born?

Gaspar de Portola was born the year 1723.

When is Gaspar de Portola's birthday?


Where did gaspar de portola die?


Who was Gaspar De Portola's wife?

It was Ms.portola.

Who discovered San Francisco Bay?

Gaspar de Portola

What did gaspar de portola do?

he went to baja cal. he was a setteler.

How did Gaspar De Portola help Spain settle California?


What are 3 settlements in alta California?

Gaspar De Portola Juan de Anza Supply ships sent for Portola expidition

When did Gaspar de Portola live?

When he lived, he found Sn Diego and Monteray