He was born December 22, 1696 and died June 30, 1785.
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James Oglethorpe banned alcohol because he thought it was causing the sickness in Savannah.
on savannah river
James Oglethorpe
James Oglethorpe and Ilyas Omar
James Edward Oglethorpe's family motto was "Nescit Ceder" (pronounced "nes-keet keh-deh-reh"), LAtin for " he does not know how to give up"
It was found by James Oglethorpe.
Yes. James Oglethorpe was married to Mary Oglethorpe.
The founder of the Georgia colony is James Oglethorpe. === ===
Savannah was founded by General James Oglethorpe.
James Edward Oglethorpe
James Oglethorpe was Anglican.
what james oglethorpe middle name
James Oglethorpe was a colonial leader.
James Oglethorpe father's name was Sir Theophilus Oglethorpe, of Godalming, Surrey and his mothers name is Mistress Eleanore Oglethorpe. His grandfather was Sutton Oglethorpe.
James Oglethorpe.
Yes, James Oglethorpe was a lawmaker in England.