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The Pilgrims were people who came over from Europe (on "The Mayflower" ship) in the early 1600s to escape religious prosecution.

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The United States was first settled by pilgrims (oftentimes misspelled as pilgrams). These pilgrims first came from England and quickly spread out into different colonies.

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Q: Where did pilgrams come from?
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What country did the Pilgrams come from?


Where did the pilgrams come from?

Plymouth England.

Why did the Pilgrams come to the US?

Others came for financial opportunity, but the Pilgrams came first and foremost for religious freedom.

Why did pilgrams come to American?

the term pilgram means relgious freedom so the pilgrams came to America for relious freedom

What did the Indians live in when the pilgrams come to the US?

a hut

What year did the pilgrims come on the Mayflower?

i think the pilgrams came in 1620

Why did the pilgrams come here?

To seek religous freedom. Ya know to believe what they want to believe.

When did the pilgrams come on the mayflower?

They left on Sept. 6, 1620 and reached America on nov. 11,1620.

How did eating turkey come to this country?

eating turkeys came from the pilgrams. On thanksgiving, them and the Indians ate turkey

Why did the pilgrams leave holland?

the pilgrams left holland because their children was being harmed

The pilgrams originally left England and moved to?

the pilgrams originally left England and moved to

What was the percentage of pilgrams on the mayflower The people that were not pilgrams on the mayflower, what were they called?

Never mind I got my answer.