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In a hospital

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Q: Where does a clinical trial usually take place?
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What happens at clinical trials for cancer?

People who sign up for clinical trial researches on cancer take studies that can determine what are common causes of cancer, and what can be done to prevent it.

What month does the trial in To Kill a Mockingbird take place?

Tom Robinson's trial takes place in August 1935.

Where did the spokes trial take place?

I'm assuming you mean the Scopes Trial, which took place in a small town of Tennessee in 1925.

What month did the tom Robinson trial take place?

The Tom Robinson trial in "To Kill a Mockingbird" took place in the month of August.

Can you treat type one diabetes be treated?

You can take insulin shots or get an insulin pump. You can also watch what you eat. There is, also, a clinical trial taking place in the US and Canada. They put islet cells from a donor into your liver.

When and where did the events of the monkey trial take place?

In the bowls of Ethiopia

Where do most trial in America take place?

appellate courts

Where did the Scopes Trial take place?

Dayton, Tennessee, USA

Where did the trial take place in the movie sommersby?

The trial scene was filmed in Charlotte Court House, Virginia.

Where and when did the Scopes Trial take place?

The Scopes Trial took place in Dayton, Tennessee from July 10 to July 21, 1925.

According to the sixth amendment does the trial have to take place where it occured?

It should be held where the crime was committed.

Where do clinical trials for a new drug take place?

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