The Mound Builders were various groups of prehistoric inhabitants of North America who built mounds. The mounds of North America, according to archaeological research, were built over a long period of time, about 5,000 years, by different types of societies. Mound Builder or Mound People is also a general term referring to the Native North American peoples who constructed various styles of earthen mounds. In the eastern US, these included the Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian cultures.
the Mississippian Indians made the biggest evolution of them all they started to build permanent homes and they had lots of free time they even made jewelry they also started agriculture
my answer is builders mound
Ohio the serpent mound is located in Ohio.
the mississippians are mound builders and they are the last of the mound builders in the usa
The Mississippi Mound Builders ate foods such as berries, nuts, and mushrooms from the area. They also ate deer, and fish.
The Mound Builders who were Adena and Hopewell and Mississippian.
The Mississippian period is named after the Mississippi River, where the culture and civilization of this time period flourished in North America. This era is known for its mound-building societies that thrived along the Mississippi River and its tributaries.
The second largest Indian mound in the U.S. is Monks Mound, located at Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site in Illinois. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage site known as Cahokia Mounds and was created by the Mississippian culture between 900-1200 AD.
The Mississippian culture of Mound builders were responsible for constructing the first cities in North America. They built large, mound structures in present-day Midwest and Southeastern United States between 800 and 1600 AD. These cities were sophisticated urban centers with plazas, temples, and residences.
Archaeologist believe that internal conflict and infighting with tribal factions in the Mississippian society led to its downfall.
Generally speaking the Cherokee were decedents of the Mound Builder culture, sometimes called the Mississippian culture. It is not clear, or definable, that they moved from or to the area of the country where they were 'discovered' by European settlers.
The Mississippian culture existed between approximately 800 AD and 1600 AD in what is now the southeastern United States. They were known for their mound-building societies and agriculture-based economy.
The Mississippian culture built the Craig mound by hand using layers of dirt carried in basketfuls. This culture was known for constructing large earthen mounds as part of their religious and ceremonial practices in the southeastern United States.
the Spanish The Spanish did NOT contribute to the creation of the amazing Monk's Mond! Spanish are European, which means they could not have possibly even witnessed the creation of the mound. Prehistoric Native Americans built the mound in the Mississippian era around 1,300-900 A.D. Monk's Mound is 100 feet tall, with 4 terraces that housed generations of prehistoric royalty, nobility, and priests. Monk's Mound is the largest pyramid north of Mexico. It is located right by east St. Louis in the city of Collinsville, IL (the same city as the world's largest ketchup bottle).
The Daily Mississippian was created in 1911.