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Presuming you mean Were Native American children taken from their homes, the answer is yes. In the continual effort to break the Indian's spirit, children were stolen from their families and sent to schools to learn "how to be civilized." There they were beaten for speaking their own lanquages, forced to wear white man's clothing and had their hair cut. They were taught that being Indian was a bad thing. Later on, and up to the 1980's Indian children were stolen and then adopted (usually, unknowingly) by whites who thought they were adopting Indian orphans.

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Q: Where native American children taken from there homes?
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How were the cultures of Native Americans changed?

Native Americans were forced to learn English. Their children were taken away from their parents and sent to boarding schools so the children did not have a chance to learn culture from their parents. Also many Native Americans were forced to move to reservations which had different plants, animals and even climate from what they were used to.

What steps were taken to foster assimilation of native Americans?

They created boarding schools for Indian children

What action by whites hurt the Native American way of life?

Cutting to the bottomline, the white settlers simply, overtime pushed the Native Americans form the East to further and further west. The US broke treaties with the Native Tribes and caused havoc among them. They were force into "Indian Reservations". Their homelands were all taken away. This happened all over the Western Hemisphere. Whether it was the Spanish, British, French or the US, their land was taken.

Is Jamie Sams really native American?

She claims to be of Cherokee and Seneca decent and there have been no counter claims against her statements (IE: No official of either tribe has said differently). It is also important to note that "Native American" is not the "blood quantum" or other such things, is is more of a way that you live your life. From the titles of her books (taken at face value) she is most likely living on those paths. See her website linked below.

How did important physical features affect native Americans?

One example of the way the differences in the Native American ways of life were influenced by geography is the physical properties of the Earth's surface when the soil where Native American tribes lived was found to have too many rocks in the soil which hindered the growth of corn (maize) the Native Americans planted to sustain themselves which forced them to move the entire tribe to another location where there was better soil and water to be had. Native Americans lived off the land and some lived off the animals which were plentiful where they lived. Native American tribes only took from the land that which they needed to sustain themselves and tilled (turned the soil) the land for planting corn or other plants such as hemp to weave into ropes. One way to look at the Native American tribes is they were stewards of the land and being such were conservationists. This way of life for Native Americans in the American plains was taken from them by the western migration of people from the East coast all the way to the west coast using the U.S. Army to eradicate the Native American population and take their land from them which later led to Native American tribes being forced from their ancestral lands to reservations which didn't have the necessary geography for them to sustain themselves. It appears the Navajo were fortunate to have been sent to a reservation which had the geography they needed to sustain themselves. The Navajo tribe is still living on the reservation and using the land for their sustenance and livelihood.

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Blackfoot Native American tribes lived in teepees. This was so their homes could be taken down easily when they needed to move from place to place.

Where were the half-caste children taken to?

The half caste children were taken away to a place called the Moore River Native Settlement

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The half caste children were taken away to a place called the Moore River Native Settlement

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How did the American Revolution affect peoples lives?

The American Revolution affected peoples lives because the soldiers took their things, burned their homes or homes homes got taken away, some people lost all their money, and people lost their andlivesa.

Why was Mary rowlandson taken captive by the Indians?

Mary Rowlandson was taken captive by Native American Indians during King Philip's War in 1676 because her settlement of Lancaster, Massachusetts was attacked and raided by Native American warriors. Rowlandson was among the many settlers who were taken as captives during the conflict.

How were the cultures of Native Americans changed?

Native Americans were forced to learn English. Their children were taken away from their parents and sent to boarding schools so the children did not have a chance to learn culture from their parents. Also many Native Americans were forced to move to reservations which had different plants, animals and even climate from what they were used to.

Exploited of Indian students by American?

The "Indian Citizenship Act" (of 1924) also known as "The Snyder Act" (President Calvin Coolage) required Native American Children to be taken from their homes and educated at "Christian Boarding Schools" or go to jail. Indian parents that refused were jailed, beaten and shot. Indian children that refused were jailed, beaten, and shot. Indian children that went, were jailed, beaten, raped, shot and were not allowed to speak their native languages, wear native clothing, follow any religious practice other than "christian," etc. Each of these acts are a violation of the International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Article II (e)) - 1948. The practice was announced as "ended" in 1965, but still continues today.

How did the expanding deal with Native American?

The newly founded nation dealt with Native Americans very harshly. Their land was taken, they were killed and forced to move.

How did the us expansion affect the native Americans?

The Anglo-American westward expansion was devastating to the Native Americans. More and more of their lands were being taken. The buffalo and other food sources were either killed or destroyed. Native Americans were forced to give up their nomadic way of life and move in to more permanent structures. The Indian Removal Act forced the Native Americans to move on to reservations, while their children were taken and forced to abandon their religion, culture, and language.

The children that were taken during the time of the stolen generation what happend to them?

It varied. Some were placed in good homes, but they were "white" homes, which were not the homes of the aboriginal children's ancestral youth, so they were not suitable for bringing up children of a completely different culture. Some of these children were placed in institutions, or abused in unsuitable homes. Either way, they lost their connection to the land and their people. Forbidden to speak their language, it is one of the reasons why so many aboriginal languages have been lost.

How did expansion of the US affect the Native Americans?

Well, it basically destroyed them. They were practically kicked out of their land. All the land and property that was rightfully theirs was taken. MOst were taken to reservation camps. It was pretty tough on them.