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Considering the first comic book is considered to have been The Yellow Kid produced in 1896, no where in 1895.

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Q: Where were comics sold in 1895?
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How much was Superman sold for to dc comics?

He was sold for $130 dollars.

Are there sonic Archie comics in japan?

Nope, the Archie comics are only sold in North America.

Does Danny Phantom have comics?

There were Danny Phantom comics but were a huge hit when the TV show came out in 2005. They were sold at DS Comics but now they don't make Danny Phantom comics anymore.

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No there not sold in stores only on the sucker punch website.

What was the first newspaper to introduce comics?

The first newspaper cartoon was an editorial cartoon by Ben Franklin in the Philadephia Gazette in 1754. The first newspaper to print a color Sunday comics section was the New York World in 1895. Daily comics began a few years later.

What is original price?

the price it was before it was on sale or celrace the price it sold for in 1895

Where can you buy smurfs comics? ~ see link to the Smurf comics available .

How many comics did they sell in the 1930?

In the 1930s, the comic book industry was just beginning and sales numbers varied widely. Popular comics like "Superman" and "Batman" sold in the hundreds of thousands, while smaller titles may have sold significantly fewer copies. Overall, the industry saw growth throughout the decade as comics gained popularity.

What comics and books have value?

Action Comics # 1 with the first appearance of Superman and Amazing Fantasy # 15 with the first appearance of Spider-Man sold for over a Million Dollars and Detective Comics # 27 with the first appearance of The Batman is almost as much.

What issues of x men comics are valuable?

the old ones that aren't sold anymore are the most valuable.

Who made radios in 1895?

In 1895, any devices to generate and detect radio waves were found only in Physics laboratories. No 'radios' were manufactured or sold. Nobody really missed it, since there were no good shows on to listen to yet.

How much are the first 48 'Jag' comics plus free gifts worth?

The First 48 "Jag" comics complete set have sold for more than $350. The free gift as between $30 and $40 to the value of a complete set of Jag comics.