the north midwest native peoples have perfected pemmican with buffalo meat, lard and chokecherries or saskatoon berries. tribes like the blackfoot, cree, lakota and cheyenne have made this snack for long journies.
The Cherokee made buffalo masks, they were used in rituals.
American Indians were granted citizenship in 1924 for the sole purpose to take away their nation status.Most American Indians of the time were against it.Now instead of the being countries like U.S.,England,they were made into citizens of the U.S. Now who got the better deal
the wall are made of clay.the top was made out of grases
eagle feathers
nomad Indians made tepee
Lacrosse (Stickball) was invented by the Choctaw tribe.
it it called pemmican
pennacook Indians
The Oneida is a Native American tribe and they wear traditional Oneidaian clothing that looks similar to many other traditional Native American clothing.
There is no established meaning for the term "fregnelly." It is possible that it is a made-up or misspelled word.
The Native American tribe called the Chippewathe settled and made their life in Michigan.
Jacob's tribe in the Twilight series is called the Quileute tribe. They are a Native American tribe in the fictional world created by author Stephenie Meyer.
Querechos were a Native American tribe named by Coronado. Historians agree the group was made up of Apache and Navajo Indians.
pemmican is made with strips of lean dried meat pounded into paste, mixed with berries then pressed in to a cake
The Cherokee made buffalo masks, they were used in rituals.
The very basic thing to be understood about the Native American culture is that it is made up of thousands of tribes. Each tribe has its own traditions, ceremonies, beliefs, history, clothing and language. Each one can be as different from the other as Irish are from the Iranians.
I would have to say maybe fry bread and maple syrup to sweeten their food. Also, they ate pemmican. They tapped trees to make syrup and made pemmican with their nature surroundings. Berries was definitely one on the ingredients they had used. I'm sure native Americans still make these meals.