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Tecumseh Tecumseh supposedly predicted earthquakes and his own death.

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Q: Which Shawnee could supposedly see the future?
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How could you see the future?

You can only see the future is if you are...... Alice Cullen

Why would a person go to see an oracle at the temple of delphis?

Because the oracle was supposedly able to predict the future.

What can you do in the future?

Virtually, there would be another you. You would be able to see another you that you could see but your future you would not be able to see you

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because she was psychic

Princess who could see the future?

Cassandra, daughter of the Trojan King

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It will be the future. You could use the forensic aging program but there is no telling what a persons reaction will be.

Who is related to Apollo and can see the future in Greek mythology?

Apollo has a priestess at Delphi that is an oracle who could foresee the future.

Who was the princess who could see the future?

Cassandra, daughter of Trojan king Priam.

How do you use seer in a sentence?

Moses was a seer and prophet who could see into the future

Was Merlin a sorcerer?

Yes and he was also a physic. (or someone who could see the future)

What would happen if you could see tomorrow?

You're going to have to do this assignment yourself -- this needs to come from your imagination! What do you think you would do if you could see into the future?