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W.E.B. DuBois

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Q: Which Sociologist introduced the concept of the color-line?
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What sociologist introduced the concept of the socialogical imagination?

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Which sociologist introduced the concept of anomie to the discipline?

Γ‰mile Durkheim introduced the concept of anomie in his work on suicide to describe a state of normlessness or loss of social cohesion in society, leading to feelings of disconnection and alienation among individuals.

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William Fielding Ogburn introduced the concept of culture lag to sociology. He used this term to describe the idea that technological advancements often outpace societal and cultural norms, leading to a period of adjustment.

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The concept of demography was first introduced by French statistician and sociologist, Achille Guillard, in 1855. He used the term to describe the study of human populations and their characteristics.

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Yes, the concept of cashless policy was introduced in NIGERIA.

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Michael Faraday first introduced the concept of electric fields/

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