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Q: Which answer best summarizes the three types of grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence?
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What document was sent by the American colonists to King George that listed the grievances they held against his leadership and said that they now considered themselves an independent country?

The document the Colonists sent to King George was the Declaration of Independence. It stated the concerns, and grievances against the king and declared the wish for independence from Britain.

What document protects the unalienable rights?

The phrase "certain unalienable rights" is not in the U.S. Constitution at all, and so they are not guaranteed. The phrase appears in the Declaration of Independence, at the beginning of the second paragraph: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Since the Declaration of Independence did only what its title says, declare independence from Britain, and listed the reasons for it, it has no force at law.

Why did the British government conduct general searches of the colonists homes and businesses?

I Think bc of the cause

What statement best summarizes the information in the table?

voter turnout has not passed 50 percent in midterm electrons since 1992

What was the rallying cry of the colonist with respect to taxes without consent?

It says that all thirten colonies were united under the common idea that they have absolved all allegiance to the British crown and were independent and free to do as any other free and independent soveriegn nation has the ability to do. Answer by Msena 21 No taxation without representation means that since the colonists were not represented in British Parlaiment, and therefor had no power at all they should not have to pay tax to Britain. In other words, they felt they owed Britain nothing for they had no privaleges. I do not know what the exact phrase is in the declaration though. Answer by anonymous yet reliable resource (p.s. Msena 21 is very wrong, she is talking about the declaration of independence, not the meaning of no taxation without representation or what the actual phrase is)

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Declaration of Independence

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Which document listed the colonists' grievances or reason for the American revolution?

Declaration of Independence

Which document listed the colonist' grievances or reasons for the American revolution?

Declaration of Independence

Which document listed the colonists grievances or reason for the American revolution?

Declaration of Independence

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no one loves u

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What were the grievances listed in the Texas Declaration of Independence?

no one knows. Get a life. LOSER. GO TO ASK.COM

What was one of the grievances toward the king that the colonist listed in the Declaration of Independence?

He imposed taxes on them without their consent

What was one of the grievances towards the king that the colonists listed in the Declaration of Independence?

He imposed taxes on them without their consent

What was one of the grievances towards the king that the colonist listed in the declaration of independence?

He imposed taxes on them without their consent

What was one of the grievances toward the king that the colonists listed on the declaration of independence?

He imposed taxes on them without their consent