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America sent freed slaves for the purpose of colonization to Liberia.

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Q: Which country did America send freed slaves for the purpose of colonization?
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To which country did America send freed slaves for the purpose of colonization?


Why did the colonization movement fail as a solution to slavery?

few slaves were actually freed for the purpose of colonization.

For what purpose was the American Colonization Society founded?

to return slaves to Africa

What country did Americans send freed slaves for the purpose of colonization?

Liberia. Get it? Like liberty, liberation, ect.

The American Colonization Society was founded for the purpose of returning freed slaves to the South?

it is true.

Was The American Colonization Society founded for the purpose of returning freed slaves to the South?


Was the American Colonization Society was founded for the purpose of returning freed slaves to the South?

The American Colonization Society was formed for the purpose of sending blacks back to the continent of Africa, where it was believed, the former slaves would have more personal freedom. It helped to found the nation of Liberia in 1821as a haven for freed African-Americans.

What factors led England to begin colonization in north America?

- money - slaves - goods - exploration - power - spread of Christianity - revolution

What did they call America back when there was slaves?

The Worst country in the world

Why were slaves brought from America to Africa?

Why of course to make a living off the backs of the slaves. They brought slaves to America to work their fields and land pretty much they built this country off the backs of the slaves.

Why were there slaves in the US?

in the south Slavery in the United States had its origins with the first English colonization of North America in Virginia in 1607, although African slaves were brought to Spanish Florida as early as the 1560s. H...

How did the African country of Liberia get its name?

Liberia was is called by that name because the purpose for establishing the nation was for the liberty for freedon of the slaves returning from America. The name Liberia comes from the root word "liberty"