The first organized movement to fight segregation was the National Association of Advanced Colored People (NAACP) est Feb 12th 1909
Asa Philip Randolph was a leader for the African-American Civil Rights movement. He also organized the first predominantly black labor union, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. He also led the March on Washington Movement in 1941.
Henry Sylvester
First African American woman to run for president in 1968. She is a pioneer of the civil rights movement. She is a delightful and humble human being.
Justin munoz was the first even though he wasn't African American he was puerto rican
Henry Sylvester-Williams
Henry Sylvester-Williams
The first Pan-African Conference was organized by Trinidadian barrister Henry Sylvester Williams and the African Association.
The first organized movement to fight segregation was the National Association of Advanced Colored People (NAACP) est Feb 12th 1909
Henry Sylvester Williams
Henry Sylvester-Williams
The first movement in a symphony, concerto or sonata is usually organized in sonata form. That could be called the most highly organized movement.
Henry Sylvester Williams
Henry Sylvester-Williams..