There were many adnvantages and disadvantages of European exploration on the Native Americans
the introduction of horses
free soilers
By repeating the positives.
there is three major territories in south america. but i am not sure which ones but i am positive that there is 3
Positive thought can only out weigh negative feelings if you think more positively The more you think of something the more power your give too it. So if you focus your mind on positive thoughts, then you can out weigh the negative Why? because what we focus on we bring about.
Most Americans are Rh positive, with around 85% of the population having this blood type. Rh negative blood type is less common in the United States, with around 15% of Americans possessing it.
Positive emotions
The positive values of Americans that are reflected in the speech is that they love originality. The other value is that they love knowledge.
It means being positive and having good feelings. This is what he said: "It means just good feelings ... The symbol, rather than the title. Positive's good."
Most Americans are Rh positive.
Industrial Revolution had both negative and positive change in the Americans.
Feelings and emotions have a deep impact on learning. A person taking emotions in positive way learns from them.