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Q: Which major developments caused the information explosion?
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The intoduction of Babism and Bahai out of Persia (Iran) was one of the major religious developments of the C19. Further information can be foundf at

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The sinking of the U.S.S. Maine, though it is debatable whether the explosion on the Maine that caused it to sink was an act of war by Spain or just an accident.

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The disease that caused many people to die is Thyroid Cancer, according to doctors, and researchers.

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Evolution of paired limbs was one of major developments . Similarly development of jaws , Amnion etc are also major developments .

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A powerful explosion which leads to the complete destruction of the plant would be considered a major explosion. Since fertilizer is highly explosive, it is possible that any minor explosion will lead to a much greater explosion.

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The sudden appearance of most of the major animal phyla within the fossils early in the Cambrian period. This caused a sudden diversification of life.

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Wind is caused by trees waving their branches around.

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The policies of Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover.

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Several major economic developments were made in the 1920's. Five of them were sports, immigration, highway systems, increase in money supply, and sexual liberation.

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Scripture Songs.