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Q: Which of these exchanged between the Old and New Worlds caused the Pilgrims to notice abandoned farms and food upon their arrival in 1620?
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What was exchanged between the old and new worlds caused the pilgrims to notice the abandoned farms and food upon their arrival in 1620?

The exchange of goods, diseases, plants, and animals between the old and new worlds led to the spread of new foods and diseases. When the pilgrims arrived in 1620, they noticed abandoned farms and food left behind by Native American tribes due to the impact of introduced diseases which had wiped out a large portion of the indigenous population.

What exchange between the old and new world caused the pilgrims to notice abandoned farms and food upon their arrival in 1620?


Which exchanged between the old and the new worlds caused the pilgrims to notice abondoned farms and food upon their arrival in 1620?


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Pilgrims traveled by land

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Governor John Carver made the treaty between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans.

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Colostrum .

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the items that were exchanged were your mom and she gave everybody std's haha

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Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water are the substances exchanged between the alveoli (air sacs) and the capillaries in the lungs.

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The agreement between Squanto and the Pilgrims, known as the Wampanoag-Pilgrim Treaty, established an alliance between the two groups for mutual protection and assistance in farming and trading. Squanto played a key role in facilitating peaceful relations between the Native Americans and the Pilgrims in the early years of the Plymouth Colony.