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Q: Which of these measures was specifically designed to limit the voting rights of the black freedmen?
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What were the laws that limited the rights of freedmen?

The Black Codes were laws passed in the Southern states after the Civil War that restricted the rights and freedoms of freedmen. These laws aimed to control and exploit the labor of newly freed African Americans by imposing restrictions on their mobility, labor options, and civil rights. The Black Codes were eventually replaced by the Jim Crow laws, which institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination.

What goal did the Bill of Rights achieve?

The Bill of Rights very specifically were designed to protect American citizens from an overly zealous or abusive government.

What laws restricted the rights of freedmen in the south?

Black Codes were laws that restricted the rights of freedmen in the South after the Civil War. These laws imposed limitations on their ability to work, travel, own property, and participate in society as full citizens. The Black Codes aimed to maintain white supremacy and control over the newly freed African Americans.

Who established the Freedmen's Bureau?

The Civil Rights Act of 1866

What two groups did not have rights as citizens?

Neither slaves nor freedmen had rights as citizens in ancient Rome.

What is the name of the law limiting the rights of freedmen?

They were called Black Codes.

What were the reasons for the failure to secure civil rights to the freedmen?

i dont really know

What is the importance of black codes?

it restricted the freedmen (former slaves) from certain rights.

Why did the radical republicans in congress think it was necessary to amend the constitution?

to limit power of the southern states to extend civil rights to freedmen to provide freedmen with political power

What was formed to help former slaves adjust to their new lives and to protect their civil rights?

The Freedmen's Bureau Full Name: The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands

Which amendment became important at guaranteeing basic voting rights to freedmen?

Fifteenth Amendment

What Act gave freedmen the same rights as other American citizens with the exception of the right to vote?

Civil Rights Act of 1866