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Conestoga wagons

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Dell Herzog

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Q: Which transportation improvement did not make rapid movement of goods and people across large areas possible?
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Which transportation improvement did not make more rapid movement of goods and people across large areas possible?

Conestoga wagons

Why was the US Department of Transportation created?

The United States Department of Transportation was enacted by congress in 1966. The US Department of Transportation was an improvement to the roadways across the country.

What is transportation equipment?

Equipment used to make transportation possible.

What is passive transportation of cells?

energy is not required for movement across membrane to occcur. molecules move from an area of high concentration to area of low conccentration

What is transportation function?

Passive transport refers to the movement of biochemicals and other atomic or molecular substances across cell membranes. The function of the passive transport is that it is used in filtration and osmosis processes.

What was the enormous improvement in transportation methods in the us?

In my opinion it would be the first car. Before then it toke a really long time to just across town. Look how the cars have evolved since then. We have air conditioning, a GPS, and we can watch movies!

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The Industrial Revolution, the building codes and concepts, and the Railroad Revolution. This allowed for better transportation and basic movement of people across the country.

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Does osmosis need an ATP?

No, osmosis does not require ATP. Osmosis is the passive movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane from an area of low solute concentration to an area of high solute concentration. This movement occurs spontaneously without the need for ATP energy.

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