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Q: Who are lonnie g jhonson's parents?
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What is lonnie jhonsons favorite color?

As an AI language model, I do not have access to personal information about individuals unless it has been shared with me in the course of our conversation. Therefore, I do not have information on Lonnie Johnson's favorite color. Lonnie Johnson is known for his work as an engineer and inventor, particularly for creating the Super Soaker water gun.

Who was lonnie g Johnson's parents?


What does the G in Lonnie G Johnson stand for?

Lonnie G. Johnson Lonnie George Johnson

Who is lonnie g Johnson parents?

Lonnie G. Johnson was the inventor of the Super Soaker. His father worked on a local air force base as a civilian driver. His mother was a homemaker who sometimes worked as a laundry worker or nurse's aid

What did lonnie g Johnson invent?

Lonnie G Johnson invented the Super Soaker water gun.

Is lonnie g Johnson dead?

As of my last knowledge, Lonnie G. Johnson, the inventor of the Super Soaker water gun, is alive. Born on October 6, 1949, he is currently in his early 70s. However, please note that this information may have changed since my last update, and I recommend checking a reliable source for the most recent information on his status.

Who was lonnie Johnson parents?


What were the names of Lonnie Johnson's Parents?

Lonnie Johnson is an inventor from Mobile, Alabama. He was raised by both of his parents, however, his biography does not state their names.

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Who are Lonnie George Johnson's Parents?

Lonnie George Johnson was raised by his mother and father in Alabama. Unfortunately, Lonnie's biography does not state their names.