Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison discussed the Constitution in the Federalist Papers. Thomas Jefferson led the opposition because the Constitution did not speak about individual rights. James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights and a compromise was reached.
James Madison is the father of the US Constitution.
39 delegates signed the US Constitution.
what documents influenced the framing of the constitution
The US Constitution is the document that established the presidency , the Congress and the Supreme Court.
Including the 27 amendments, there are 7652 words in the US Constitution.
Much of the Japanese Constitution is based on the US Constitution.
You could argue that.
They declared stuff
They declared stuff
Because he was one of the people who believed that the constitution shouldn't be interpreted and didn't believe in loose constitution (using the constitution as a guide, implying new rights and ideas from what is initially written in it). What did he do? He went ahead and contradicted himself by getting himself into the Louisiana purchase. The constitution says that it's only up to congress to add a new part to the nation NOT the president. Thoman Jefferson was a man of many contradictions.
my civics teacher is making us write a new constitution any ideas
They got revolutionary ideas from Enlightenment ideas. They also got them from the Declaration of Independence and The US Constitution.
They got revolutionary ideas from Enlightenment ideas. They also got them from the Declaration of Independence and The US Constitution.
aristotle and nicolaus copernicus
Nicholas Copernicus.